YPF at Make-It Springfield!

Youth Performance Festival at Make-It Springfield

mini-performance and info session

Saturday, October 28 at 2:00pm


The Youth Performance Festival (YPF), a collaboration between Play Incubation Collective and the Northampton Center for the Arts at 33 Hawley, is a FREE opportunity for youth artists ages 8-18 to create original performance pieces under the guidance of mentor artists in the fields of music, dance, theater, poetry/spoken word, and video. YPF centers the creative agency of young artists, and is committed to supporting them as they discover their own creative processes. We are excited to partner with Make-It Springfield for YPF 2024 to create a Springfield-based youth cohort. This group will rehearse together at Make-It Springfield throughout the winter, and perform at the Festival in Northampton in February 2024!

Please join us on October 28th at 2:00pm for a short performance by former YPF artists, and an info session with YPF directors, youth artists, and mentors! Questions? Email sarah@playincubation.org!

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