Exhibit: a quiet place……..where life is but a dream


a quiet place……..where life is but a dream

A Photography Exhibit by Melissa Cooper

September 3-28, 2021

Opening Reception: September 10, 5:00-8:00pm, part of Arts Night Out Northampton

Live Music by Tony Silva from 5:30-7:30

Refreshments provided

Sponsored by River Valley Co-op and Downtown Sounds Workers Co-op

Artist Statement:

Hello, My name is Melissa Cooper. I take pictures with my mobile phone.

I consider myself more of an artist than a photographer, but I’ve said a thousand times before, I would never be able to devote the kind of time that I think I’d need to any one talent that I might have. Most of what I think I do well is creativity itself! But taking photos and turning them into images through edits and/or framing and composition is the one thing I can do without it being “all consuming.” I am intrigued with beautiful scenery, landscapes, crowded streets, random but intricate details of anything pleasing to my eye.

When I first started showing my “art” to shopkeepers in the area, I heard the same thing repetitively, “Your photos are vanilla”…… At first I was taken aback, but I realized, they were right! I learned that I needed to grow, to find the “soul” in my art. I began to ponder the type of photography/art that I could stand behind, as well as what would represent my vision as a painter, and I reconciled that vanilla was okay. Spiced vanilla with a measured swirl of color, and a heavy sprinkle of dreamy has always been that “thang” that “hits right” for me. I have always been obsessed with color, texture, shadows and light. My goal is for the viewer to enjoy what’s in front of them, no thinking or pretentiousness. To feel whatever is felt naturally, organically, and deeply! So whatever “it” is, “that” is what I hope radiates through, when someone sees my art.

I live here in Western Mass with my precious husband, with my little doggie and my favorite cat in the whole world. I am super grateful for the positive and encouraging feedback from folks that enjoy my creativity.

Instagram @lilmisswhimsypix

Melissa Cooper

Melissa Cooper